1 Full Day Speed Reading Course for Corporate Professionals: “Corporate Velocity: Unleashing Potential in a Full Day of Speed Reading”

Welcome to “Corporate Velocity: Unleashing Potential in a Full Day of Speed Reading,” a comprehensive speed reading course tailored specifically for corporate professionals seeking to enhance their reading skills in the fast-paced business world. In today’s competitive corporate environment, the ability to read quickly and efficiently is paramount for staying abreast of industry trends, analyzing critical information, and making informed decisions. This full-day workshop offers corporate professionals a unique opportunity to sharpen their speed reading abilities and optimize their reading efficiency within a single intensive session.

Throughout this dynamic training course, participants will embark on a transformative journey aimed at mastering the art of speed reading in a corporate context. Over the course of a full day, they will delve into advanced strategies and methodologies tailored specifically for business documents, reports, and emails. From overcoming subvocalization and regression to developing efficient skimming and scanning techniques, participants will acquire the tools necessary to navigate through dense business texts with ease and precision, all while managing their busy schedules effectively.

By the conclusion of “Corporate Velocity,” participants will emerge equipped with newfound confidence in their reading abilities and a practical toolkit of strategies to tackle reading tasks with efficiency and proficiency in the corporate setting. Whether for analyzing financial reports, reviewing contracts, or processing emails, the skills acquired in this workshop will empower participants to thrive in their professional roles. Join us for a full-day immersion into the world of speed reading, where every moment spent promises to unlock new levels of reading proficiency and effectiveness in the corporate realm.


1. Increase Reading Speed: Enable corporate professionals to significantly increase their reading speed over the duration of the full-day course, aiming for a noticeable improvement in words-per-minute (WPM) reading rate.

2. Enhance Comprehension: Equip participants with strategies to maintain or improve comprehension levels while reading at accelerated speeds, ensuring they can effectively extract key information from business documents, reports, and other relevant texts.

3. Develop Efficient Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Teach participants advanced skimming and scanning methods to quickly locate specific information in business documents, enabling them to extract relevant details swiftly and efficiently.

4. Overcome Subvocalization and Regression: Assist participants in overcoming the habits of subvocalization (mentally pronouncing words) and regression (rereading text), which can hinder reading speed and efficiency.

5. Improve Retention of Business Information: Provide tools and exercises to enhance memory retention of business-related information read at high speeds, ensuring participants can retain key concepts and details for application in their professional roles.

6. Foster Focus and Concentration: Help participants sharpen their focus and concentration skills, enabling them to maintain attention on business texts and minimize distractions during speed reading sessions.

7. Enhance Critical Thinking: Encourage participants to develop critical thinking skills while speed reading business documents, enabling them to analyze and evaluate information efficiently for better decision-making in the corporate environment.

8. Promote Effective Time Management: Teach effective time management techniques to optimize reading sessions, enabling participants to allocate time efficiently for various reading tasks amidst their busy schedules.

9. Instill Confidence in Speed Reading Abilities: Cultivate a sense of confidence and empowerment in participants’ speed reading skills, enabling them to approach reading tasks in the corporate setting with assurance and proficiency.

10. Facilitate Application of Skills: Encourage participants to apply speed reading skills learned in the workshop to various business scenarios, such as reviewing contracts, analyzing financial reports, and processing emails, to enhance productivity and efficiency in their professional roles.

11. Foster Collaboration and Networking: Provide opportunities for participants to collaborate with peers and network with other corporate professionals attending the course, fostering a supportive learning environment and facilitating knowledge exchange.

12. Measure Progress and Success: Assess participants’ progress and success throughout the course through pre- and post-assessments, reading speed tests, and comprehension exercises, providing tangible evidence of skill development and improvement in speed reading proficiency.

In conclusion, “Corporate Velocity: Unleashing Potential in a Full Day of Speed Reading” has provided corporate professionals with a comprehensive toolkit to navigate the challenges of information overload in today’s business environment. Throughout this intensive workshop, participants have acquired advanced speed reading techniques, honed their comprehension skills, and learned practical strategies to optimize their reading efficiency. As they conclude this full-day immersion, participants carry with them newfound confidence in their ability to tackle reading tasks with ease and proficiency, empowering them to stay informed, make informed decisions, and excel in their professional roles.

We encourage all participants to continue practicing and applying their speed reading skills beyond the workshop, integrating them into their daily routines. By leveraging the principles learned in “Corporate Velocity,” participants can effectively manage their time, enhance their productivity, and achieve their goals with greater efficiency. We extend our gratitude to each participant for their dedication to learning and wish them continued success as they apply their newfound skills to thrive in today’s fast-paced corporate world.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$689.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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